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Welcome To Crystal's Blog

It is my prayer that God will use my writings to bless you today. I write straight from the heart. I write as a venue to praise God, and grow as a woman. I am a woman saved by grace! I am married to the most amazing man, and I have been blessed with four beautiful children. God uses my family to teach me and subsequently increases my faith in Him. At times I write through tears of joy, and at times tears of sorrow. Join me as I honestly share my heart and give God praise for His love!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Laughter In The Other Room

I sit here with a smile in my heart, and on my face. I am listening to the sound of three very happy, content, spirited, and sweet boys playing with their dad. Most of the time I take advantage of the sweet sounds around me. Having three boys is often times more excitement than I can maintain. I often mistake their playful laughter, for out of control hyperactivity. As mom's we have a BIG job. BIG jobs are not easy, and require a lot of time, concern, attention, discernment, and patience. Only God gives me the strength, sensitivity, attentiveness, authority, and gentleness I need to raise these "wonderful" rambunctious boys. I fail more than I achieve! The laughter I hear at this moment tell's me that my boys know they're loved and protected. I will continue to seek God's wisdom in this journey raising my boys. Although I know guilt will desire to set root in my heart for what I do wrong. I will remember this spirit, this laughter, and this moment. I will remember God's love and the blessing of laughter in our home.

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