While driving to Costco for some needed household goods. I came across this truck. My initial reaction was "Holy Smokes" that is a lot of stuff! By the way, I had to risk my life to get this picture. For some reason I love this picture. I think it portrays our lives. Let me explain...
As a Christian I am continually learning to give God extra baggage in my life. Otherwise I become weighted down, angry, agitated, and lacking in joy. I have observed many people who hold so much baggage it becomes evident through their lives in drastic ways. I see this truck as an individual in need of a touch from God. There have been many times when I felt like this truck. The feeling that I couldn't face another trial in life. When we hold onto such baggage we become weighted down and we can't live our life to it's fullest. I choose to live a life of freedom, and not be worn out as a result of unresolved sin, busyness, conflict, and anxiety.
This truck is a visual picture of our hearts weighted down. God desires for us to experience joy, peace, and contentment.
Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"
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