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Welcome To Crystal's Blog

It is my prayer that God will use my writings to bless you today. I write straight from the heart. I write as a venue to praise God, and grow as a woman. I am a woman saved by grace! I am married to the most amazing man, and I have been blessed with four beautiful children. God uses my family to teach me and subsequently increases my faith in Him. At times I write through tears of joy, and at times tears of sorrow. Join me as I honestly share my heart and give God praise for His love!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Wilderness

A week ago, I was scanning Craigslist in Korea, for needed baby girl items.  I came across an entry selling a baby crib set, which I need.   I e-mailed the lady.  The woman responded that she had the set and left her phone number.  I called the number to work out the details of meeting to purchase the set.  (which is adorable, by the way).  Those of you who know me, know I am a great talker :)  The woman "Jenny" and I began talking about what brought us to Korea.  It is a small world!  I had met her at a previous church we attended in Seoul.  She mentioned a playgroup that meets at her church on Wednesday's and a Woman's Bible study which meets Friday morning's.  Daniel and I attended the play date, which made him the happy little fellow.  I decided to try the Bible study.  On Wednesday after the play date Jenny gave me the book.   The name of the book is "One In A Million", written by Priscilla Shirer.   I immediately began studying the book during Daniel's nap time.  I couldn't put the book down.  I found myself in every sentence! This book was a gift from God, to me!  Wow...

Living in Seoul has been an adventure.  An adventure full of fun, discovery, and excitement.  However, to be completely honest, not easy.  This book discusses the Israelites deliverance from Egypt.  Their passage into freedom and a land flowing with milk and honey.  When we read Exodus we tend to be judgmental.  How can these people complain to God, and actually desire to return into slavery.  This book has not only helped me understand the Israelites, but myself.  The feelings, struggles, and longings of the Israelites are similar to my own.  God was protecting them, providing for them, and defending them.  The journey wasn't easy, it was tiring, painful, and full of questions.  They were not alone in the desert.  They were in a wilderness, their own personal journey to God's paradise.  This study has forced me to step back, and see my wilderness through God's eyes.  To focus on the many blessings, protection, and guidance God has continually provided.  I am not alone in a desert, but walking with God through a wilderness.  Journeying a path I didn't choose for myself, but God has intended for my good.  He see's the big picture, and I am growing in ways I can't comprehend.  Once the wilderness has passed, I will see in hindsight what God was accomplishing in my life.   I will even miss and long for this current wilderness!

In a few short days, God has brought my heart to a place of contentment.  God's knowledge is power!  I feel enlightened through studying this book and God's provision over the Israelites.  A slight understanding of God's will, and a better understanding of my current wilderness.

 (Deuteronomy 8:3-4:  "He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.  Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years.")

"Lord, Thank you for this wilderness I am currently walking through.  Help me Lord to stop thinking and acting in a selfish manner.  Desiring a path different than the one you have chosen for me.  Give me a heart that long's for you, your ways, and all you desire in my life.  Help me to be open to your word, and to listen intently to your still small voice, and most of all, to worship you in this wilderness.   Help me "To Not Miss The Forest For The Tree's"!  To not surpass today's blessings, for a so called better tomorrow.  Lord, when I fail to have a positive attitude and begin a personal pity party, please jolt me back to You.  Help me to look beyond myself, to the needs of those around me.  To see and acknowledge those you have placed in my path, to evangelize and be God to them.  Lord, give me a heart like yours!  I Love You!!!"

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Thank you for this beautiful post. And congratulations on expecting a daughter! What wonderful news!