His whispers often come as shocking realizations... Realizations, I'm not prepared to handle. All week my son has been sick, my body recovering from the same virus, and I have been a grump. Yes... It's true... I have been a grumpy wife, mother, and thanks to this sickness very little time to be grumpy with friends. The stress of nursing my 3 year old asthmatic boy back to health and being sick myself, has made my job as wife and mom very tough. The house isn't as polished as normal, and to be frank, my kids have heard unusually louder decibels escape from my mouth. For this, I have felt... terrible. I have beat myself up... Over and Over! Constantly telling myself "I am the worse mother!"
However... just now... sitting in my momentarily peaceful home. God whispers a simple truth. A truth that brings conviction to my inner being and tears to my eyes. I haven't been so much of a bad mother, as I have been a neglectful wife. It's true! God cannot tell a lie. Here I sit... Acknowledging his profound teaching. I have refused to listen to the heart of my husband. Dealing with my sick self and son has been a priority. In the midst of my overwhelming life these past few months. I have failed to cherish my husband. He comes home tells me about his job, his teaching, and his concerns, and if I listen... it's been only half heartedly! As my focus has been on my sick kids, messy home, and the many other concerns current in my life. Truthfully... It's not been my focus to "focus" on him.
Confused... My heart is confused? I love this man! This man I chose, and whom chose me. He treats me well, and provides for our family. Why does it seem he takes first place on the back burner? I have a few thoughts. He doesn't dirty his pants (sorry if this is too graphic but it's true), he doesn't get in my face and yell, "I want juice now!", he doesn't call me from work crying if a coworker nags him, I don't have to take care of his every need. My children are more in my face... needy... and impatient. Honestly... He's quite easy to care for. He doesn't yell or scream, or demand I have food on the table, and these are just a few of the reasons I admire him. He is a treasure... I often forget to treasure! I'm frail, human, and weak! God reminds my soul- to honor my husband, to regard him as the man of our home, to respect him, and to love him. Today I see the error of my ways, and his place is no longer on the back burner. But, front and center of my heart. Right where he belongs!
My prayer is God will continue to guide my heart in my limited quiet moments. Reminding me of my priorities, blessings, and commitments.
Thank you Lord, For the wonderful gift of my husband. Thank you for reminding me of the treasure you have given me, in this man, this man you have blessed me with. Thank you for his heart, his devoted commitment to you, and to our family. Thank you he is a hard worker and an amazing provider. Thank you for the quiet, yet powerful reminder to cherish my husband. Lord, help me as mom, to know how to prioritize the demands of my life. Help me to keep my priorities in Biblical numeration. You first, him second, children third, and then everything else!
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