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Welcome To Crystal's Blog

It is my prayer that God will use my writings to bless you today. I write straight from the heart. I write as a venue to praise God, and grow as a woman. I am a woman saved by grace! I am married to the most amazing man, and I have been blessed with four beautiful children. God uses my family to teach me and subsequently increases my faith in Him. At times I write through tears of joy, and at times tears of sorrow. Join me as I honestly share my heart and give God praise for His love!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Operation "Cruise Control"

Monday night was a BAD night for this mom in the Ridlon household.  If it's a bad night for mom, than usually it is a bad night for all those who romp the Ridlon grounds.  Like the saying goes, "Ain't momma happy, ain't nobody happy!"  I felt like I had lost control over these rowdy little male figures' in my home.  The baby girl was crying and wanting her mommy.  I couldn't get to her, because I had to retrieve the older boys from the bath.  An excerpt from Monday: "Get out of the bath right now, I have asked you 5 times to get your pj's on, are you cleaning your room, is this important, are you bleeding, do you want a spanking... etc.?"  By the time I sat down to read our nightly Bible reading, I was frustrated, and I walked out and said, "Good Night".  

Feeling exhausted I went to bed earlier than normal.  I lay there... thinking... praying... and fervently desiring a grain of wisdom.  My deepest desire is to be a good wife and mother.  I have learned in my 10 years of parenting, that God is the giver of all wisdom.  It is during these times, I can't wait to run into His arms, and cry out for advice.  He is such a loving Father.  When we truly seek Him, and desire His help, he answers.  "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13"  I lay in bed, eyes fixed on the darkened ceiling, eyelashes soaked, and my heart earnestly desiring answers.  Soon, I fell into a deep sleep, and awakened to a new day of God's promises.  "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5"  I rushed off to Bible study, and spent the day in continual prayer.  As the day pressed on, I was reassured of God's love for me, and given simple nuggets of wisdom, my heart was full of joy.  Tuesday evening after a delicious dinner, we all sat down for a family talk.  I explained to them we are beginning "Operation Cruise-Control".  We discussed how cruise control runs the car and it's function and they were intrigued.  I explained that "Mommy is busy...  I have a lot of responsibility.  We have a baby who needs a lot of time and attention.  I need them to be on cruise control, based upon their ages.  Do what they are supposed to do, without having to be told."  I began gently teaching them to think about what comes next, and what they are supposed to be doing.  Wow!  In a few short days they seem to be finally catching on.  I simply ask them, "What are you doing , right now?  Are you supposed to be doing it? What are you supposed to be doing?"  No yelling, but helping them to stop and think about the routine, and helping them to think for themselves.  So far, I haven't had to spank for disobedience, (although I'm sure that time will come), but for now "Operation Cruise-Control" seems to be doing the trick.  

I also rearranged their chores, based upon their ages and abilities.  Robby is my morning person, and gets easily bored.  Therefore, his job is to empty the dish washer each morning.  He loves this job, and prefers to finish his chores before school, so he can  immediately run outside to play, when he gets home.  Handing the job of emptying the dishwasher over to Robby, has made my life much easier.  Christopher, is NOT a morning person.  Therefore, his job is to take out the trash each evening, take care of recycling, and carry the dirty clothes to the hamper.  .  Daniel's still a bit young, so his job is to help clean his room each night, put his clothes in the dirty clothes basket, and  help clean off the dinner table.  Every night, they are required to pick up their room, before they can sit in their bed for reading time.  When everyone is calm, all six of our family members meet together for Bible reading/devotional, and then we all sit in a circle, hold hands, and pray.  When we're finished praying, we put the baby in middle, and then we all tickle and kiss her.  She thinks she's all that!   Bedtime has gone from a time of stress, to a time of closeness and fun for the entire family.  

I am attempting to teach my children that we are all members of this family, and each one has their jobs.  Our home can not function up to par if one is not pulling his weight.  We are a team and we must work together.  If mom is continually running around cleaning up after everyone, I will not be much fun, and I will be tired, and grumpy.  I need help!  I'm also attempting to teach working with a good attitude and the right heart.  A heart of helpfulness, and as working onto the Father.  My children know very well "Do all things without grumbling and complaining. Philippians 2:14"  

Learning the fine art of enlisting your children's help in the home, is life-changing for parents, and for kids.  We must teach them responsibility and a good work ethic.  However, as God has taught me this week, we must gently teach, praise them for a job well done, and love them unconditionally.  God teaches us in the same pattern.  The goal of Operation Cruise-Control is to Teach...  Praise... Love...!

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