I feel an uncomfortable tug of war.
Everyone needs something from me.
Yet during this time.
I have only emptiness.
My strength is depleted.
My energy drained.
The world around me is zapping,
my ability to cope.
The good, the bad,
there's no time left for me.
I must find time to pray,
to meditate, and refocus.
I long for green pastures, peace,
and an environment that worships God.
I am reaching for security, searching for answers.
Confusion, heartache, and uncertainty surround those I love.
My heart has grown numb,
In my purest desire to rescue them from their pain.
My attempts have been refuted.
I feel defeated and rejected in my efforts.
I think, "I feel to much, my heart aches."
Hope seems out of reach.
Reality surrounds me,
threatening to steal my joy.
Lord, fill me up.
Refuel my spirit.
Your word promises miracles.
Give me reason to believe.
For now all I see is the burden of proof.
Those suffering, entrenched in their own self-destruction.
Show me a single present day miracle.
A ray of hope, the Son gleaming through the tree's.
You respond to my soul,
In the midst of my anguish.
"You are a miracle, my precious child.
I have plucked you from the storm.
Rejoice, look-up, see the cross.
My son no longer agonizes from the temporary thorns.
He sits at my right hand.
The tomb bellows, "He's Risen!"
My daughter,
My ultimate miracle...
My Son... Jesus Christ.
Is the only proof you will ever need.
He died to grant all my sheep Eternal hope.
When the world frightens you,
Sprint home.
Come unto me, all those who are weary and heavy burdened,
and I will give you rest.
You focus on Earthly soil.
Look-Up... Precious Daughter.
I am everywhere.
You must only look up to see,
Your present day miracle."
1 comment:
So beautiful to read, and yet the meaning behind the words shows clearly. Look up--He's always there, isn't He?
Have a blessed day of worshiping our
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