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Welcome To Crystal's Blog

It is my prayer that God will use my writings to bless you today. I write straight from the heart. I write as a venue to praise God, and grow as a woman. I am a woman saved by grace! I am married to the most amazing man, and I have been blessed with four beautiful children. God uses my family to teach me and subsequently increases my faith in Him. At times I write through tears of joy, and at times tears of sorrow. Join me as I honestly share my heart and give God praise for His love!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Poetic Prayer For The Broken Hearted: God's Ultimate Healing, And HOPE!

The relationship, not one I recognized.
Years of raised voices, and disagreements.

As a child, It seemed...
As if they only coexisted.

Afraid of life without the other.
Fear of loneliness and the unknown.

This man, lived in my home.
Acted in place of my abandoned father.

Never seemed to love me, or anyone...
Lost in a world of alcohol addiction.

He yelled, screamed, acted out in crazy anger.
Fear swelled my young heart.

Intentions...  This poetic sample of my childhood.
Purely... Medicinal.

This man is deceased.
No longer a threat to my scarred heart.

Today...  my heart feel's an unknown peace.
This man a familiar tenant in my nightmares.

No longer the ability to harass.
To intimidate another human soul.

Anger... An emotion I no longer hold.
Scars daily being healed by my Father in Heaven.

Relieved... Not a chance.
He's left a huge whole in my mother's heart.

Cancer... the thief of his body.
Being cared for moment by moment by my mother.

My mother,
Always knew how to care for the sick.

Memories of her sitting up at night,
Placing our hot little body's in bed next to her.

I knew my mom loved me.
Tenderly caring for our sick bodies.

In the same way she loved this man.
Passionately caring for his failing body.

Sleepless nights' she endured.
Weight loss inevitable.

She thought...  "If only I can get him to eat.
Maybe, he'll pull through!"

Cancer doesn't maintain prejudices.
Takes the non-smokers and smokers... alike.

Enslaves the body's of the little, young mother's and the elderly.
A mean and ugly way to leave this world.

My heart aches
My mother, feel's alone.

The man she lived alongside

Went to his Eternal home.
Leaving my mother alone and frightened.

Each day... She say's "I miss him!"
"Why did he have to leave me?"

The Bible commands us to care for the widows.
How can I care for her grieving soul?

This man her other half,
his void has left her feeling aimless and empty.

28 years is a long time,
To live, love, and care for another.

How can I show her,
A new reason to live?

"Lord, you promise to love,
to care for our grieving souls.

Call her to your side,
Be the mate she's always longed for.

The only mate,
Who can reveal true love to her.

Love not conditional,
based upon our good behavior.

Love unconditional,
loving us despite our wretched selves.

Give me the word's,
To direct her to her True Love.

Help me to love her,
to understand her heart.

To see past her anxious talk,
to the heart of the matter.

To reveal her void,
as an emptiness only a Father in Heaven can fulfill."

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