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Welcome To Crystal's Blog

It is my prayer that God will use my writings to bless you today. I write straight from the heart. I write as a venue to praise God, and grow as a woman. I am a woman saved by grace! I am married to the most amazing man, and I have been blessed with four beautiful children. God uses my family to teach me and subsequently increases my faith in Him. At times I write through tears of joy, and at times tears of sorrow. Join me as I honestly share my heart and give God praise for His love!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Only The Beginning

Walking out of the party store,
His balloon floats high into the sky.
Endless tears flow from his eyes.
"My balloon fell into the sky!".

Disappointment: Only The Beginning

Eyes eagerly searching his folder,
For an invitation to a classmates birthday party.
Sadness overcomes him, there's no invitation.
"Why did I not get invited?"

Disappointment: Only The Beginning

Exuberantly working on the world's largest Lego tower,
Ever so gently placing the finishing piece.
A loud noise reveals, the tower tumbling down.
"I tried so hard!"

Disappointment: Only The Beginning

Lying to his parents,
Punishment is painful.
Sadness sets in as he watches the other's having fun.
"Why did I have to lie?"

Disappointment: Only The Beginning

So responsible, and always trying his best,
Shows up to class.
His teacher asks for his homework.
"Why didn't I remember?"

Disappointment: Only The Beginning

Grandpa is sick,
We need to pray.
Cancer has spread through his body.
"Why didn't I pray harder?"

Disappointment: Only The Beginning

The balloons slips from his little brother's hand,
He jumps high into the sky.
He barely grasps the string.
"Wow, I got it, Mom!"

Victory: Only The Beginning

Opening his folder,
Non-expectantly finds a blue card,
His name written along the top.
"Wow, I got an invitation!"

Victory: Only The Beginning

Working for hour's,
Frustration and courage.
Alone he focuses on the Lego guide.
"I did it, I made an airplane!"

Victory: Only The Beginning

Mom, asks "Who broke the lamp?"
He freezes up.
He informs his mother, "It was me!"
Mom says, "Thank you for telling the truth!"

Victory: Only The Beginning

Report card reveals,
A's in all classes.
Teacher comments "Super Student"
"Wow, I did a good job?"

Victory: Only The Beginning

Grandma was sick.
He prayed harder than ever.
Doctor reveals grandma is going to recover.
"Wow, God really heard my prayers!"

Victory: Only The Beginning

Mom's love their babies,
We suffer with our children.
We would take their pain in a moment's notice.
"God, Why are you allowing him this pain?"

Victory - Is Mine Saith The Lord!

"Child, I love you, and I love him!"
His trials will make him strong.
"Love him when he hurts, hold him when he cries!"
He will know your love, comes from Me!

Victory - Is Mine Saith The Lord!

(Today I watched my son's heart breaking.  He tries so hard to be the perfect student, child, and boy.  He is a good boy, but he is not perfect.  How do I let him fail, and still encourage him.  I never want to blame everyone else around him.  I want to teach him to own up to his actions.  When I am in these situations, I try to think about how God teaches me.  Most often he uses trials to teach me.  1Peter 1:6 & 7 says, "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief  in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even through refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."  Should we not expect God to allow our children disappointment?  As parents we will always try to protect our children from pain, but we need to allow them to face trials.  I want my children to learn to withstand trials and temptations while in my care.  I pray with God by my side, He allows me to teach perseverance.  To teach them how to fail, and rely on God to get back up.  I have three boys and a little girl.  One of my biggest sources of pain is going to be observing their struggles.  There will be struggles I can help with, and others God wants them to face alone.  I pray I will listen and allow God to show me when to step in, and when to stay out.   Most importantly I lay my children at the foot of the cross.  I trust Him with their well being, for his ways are better than my own.

1 comment:

Melanie N. Brasher said...

this is beautiful, Crystal!